Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Harriet Tubman

On 12-12-12, I love that date, we did the Finding a Way to Freedom Driving Tour. We were staying on the Eastern Shore with Humble Dad, our first work vacation since we moved to Maryland. Cambridge, MD is a beautiful old city on the Chesapeake Bay.

1) Dorchester County Visitor Center
An exhibition orients visitors to the Underground Railroad system. It also provides information about the region's natural and cultural history. Including the Black Watermen of the Chesapeake Bay.

2) Dorchester County Court House
In 1850, Harriet Tubman's niece, Kessiah and her two children escaped from the Auction Block at the front of the court house.

3) Long Wharf
Ships from Africa and the West Indies brought kidnapped Africans and sold them along this waterfront in Cambridge, MD.

Harriet Tubman Park~

4) Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center
We watched a movie at this center on Harriet Tubman. The people are extremely nice, admission is free, and I definitely recommend stopping here.

5) Stanley Institute
In 1857,  28 men, women, & children escaped from here and made it to Canada. National newspapers called it a "Stampede of Slaves". In 1867, Stanley Institute, a one room schoolhouse was moved here and used to educate African American children until 1962.

7) Woolford/Harrisville Road
Harriet Tubman was probably born on Anthony Thompson's plantation in 1822.

8) Madison
Harriet Tubman likely learned the secret communication network supported by Black Mariners, as well as about safe places in the North and how to navigate by stars. It was near here that Harriet met and married freeman John Tubman in 1844.

For us, we saw three vultures eating on a deer. At the Chesapeake Bay we saw swans which was interesting because I have never seen them in salt water.

11) Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
These wetland provided protection to freedom seekers, who followed the rivers Northward, hid in the forest and marshes, foraged for food, and struggled through water to throw pursuers off their trail.

This 27,000 acre refuge was amazing, we saw the most Canadian Geese that we have ever seen in one place. Then, MashaAllah we saw a Bald Eagle right up close in it's natural environment.

12) Harriet Tubman Historical Marker/ Brodess Farm
Edward Brodess moved Tubman's mother Rit and her children to his farm in Bucktown in 1823-24

13) Bucktown Village Store
At this crossroads, sometime around 1835, Harriet Tubman was almost killed by a blow to her head she received while attempting to assist a fellow enslaved man flee an angry overseer. 

Harriet Tubman was an amazingly great women. May we learn from her courage and dedication in helping others throughout her life.  

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Remember don't feel obligated to buy anything, I have not received a penny from Amazon thus far, the store is there for you to get ideas.

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