Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ABC of the Quran

ABC of the Quran was a labor of love that I started, lost, restarted and have finally completed the first phase.

The original plan for ABC of the Quran was to make it a jumping off point for the rest of our learning and due to many set backs it has not quite worked out that way. I love the idea of putting the Quran in the center of our learning, however creating curriculum is a much slower process than the speed my Beloveds learn, Alhumdulilah. I am the slow one and I often feel guilty for holding them back because the curriculum I created for them is not ready for use. After our recent big move to Maryland, I have decided to take it slower, concentrating on finishing important projects. ABC of the Quran was my top priority. Although, the mini cards were finished and being used by Lil A. The actual Quran cards I completed this week. I also made it a priority to share things as quick as possible before they are lost from a computer crash. 

In our Homeschool, we hung up our ABC of the Quran Chart. Due to the glare on the picture, you can't tell
that is the framed picture in this photo.
Here is a close up of the picture in frame.

The English version of the mini cards.

The Arabic version of the mini cards.

ABC of the Quran Cards with Quranic Verse.

I set up a few capital letters at a time for Lil A to match the lower case with it's capital.
Then she will match the picture with the letter that makes the beginning sound,
then we place the Arabic version below the English version.

I laminated the Mini Cards and cut them into squares. I purchased the little tubs that hold the Mini Cards from Dollar Tree.

Everything I make is completely free to use. I also accept and appreciate constructive criticism, if you find a flaw, please be gentle and let me know. ♥ If you get any good from it, give praise to our Creator and make du'as (prayers) for my family. . . and if you find any mistakes, pray for my forgiveness.

 Download the Free Printable
ABC of the Quran Cards

♥ More ABC of the Quran
Beginning Sounds

Amazon Store: Children Islamic Books

Pinterest: ABC of the Quran

Check our Progress: Curriculum Checklist

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